About Lisa J. Smith


Lisa is a talk show host and radio personality.

In addition she is a lecturer, writer, teacher, motivational speaker, Reiki master and intuitive psychic medium. She is quickly becoming known as "The New Voice For A New Age" around the globe.

Lisa J. uses her accurate and healing psychic and mediumship abilities to help empower people to live like the "Rockstars" they were born to be. Her unique delivery, her positive attitude, her approachable girl next-door charm and her down to earth messages are quickly touching the lives of people all over the world.

Lisa believes that we are all intuitive, we are all psychic and there is nothing she can do that you cannot. This is not about believing in psychic abilities. Lisa is not about proving that spirit exists or that your loved ones are still with you even though she has given thousands of messages that prove they are. Lisa's passion is to teach others that being 'psychic is as natural as breathing' and can be used to enrich lives.

Lisa J. Smith works with her clients, listeners and audience members in a unique way so as to touch their soul and heal their hearts. Her unique and positive outlook on life is changing the way people around the world view themselves and others even through tough times.

Lisa J. Smith is available for lectures, college-speaking events, television and radio appearances and is currently working on writing her first book.

As she says, "Wherever you are, I am too".

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From WE to ME!

It is time to move away from the WE into the ME!

The 'W' in the 'we' holds onto all the old stuff WE don't need....turn it upside down, empty it out and you will get back to the 'ME'. The 'M' holds you together.

Trust in the ME that you will be ok.....

Monday, April 6, 2009

YOU are a volunteer not a victim

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today is a great day.

Depending where you are who you are or what you have going on in your life....today is a great day. I would know because in the last year I have had my butt handed to me on a shiny silver platter for the world to see.

I made it! I am here today..I made it to today!

I made it through probably the hardest of times into calmer waters. There were days I thought "There is no way I can get knocked down one more time. How much can one person take?"

I did it! Not that everyday is easy. Not that everyday does not come with its own set of challenges...because boy oh boy does it ever. The same people are in my life. The same people have not changed. The same situations present themselves to me day in and day out. What is different is me. I am DIFFERENT.

"Change your perception change your life". I say that on my radio show all the time...I know this to be true because I LIVE IT DAILY~

Remember who you are. Remember that you were born to be all that YOU were born to be. You are not what your family, your husband, your partner, your kids, your employer, society wants you to be.....it is what YOU were born to be!

It is so hard when you begin to walk...you fall, you stumble, you sometimes hurt yourself but soon you will be off and running and there will be no looking back. I am now walking....almost running....

Who knows what today will hold for me...and for you. (save the psychic jokes please) lol

Together we will run the marathon of life!

ROCKSTAR Mentality

ROCKSTAR Mentality

ROCKSTAR mentality is knowing who you are, owning your stage and empowering yourself to be all that you KNOW you are but have been afraid to show it. Why are you afraid to show it? Because we are all conditioned to play small instead of big. We think by playing small we make other people feel good. Marianne Williamson talks about his in her famous quote from her book, A Return to Love, “Who are you not to be beautiful”, etc… Be a Rockstar today and everyday. You already are one so you might as well step into your truth, into yo ur power and ROCK this world with all that you have in all of your moments. This is WHY you are here.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Who are you?

Who are you? Well who are you not?

You are everything. You are the sun and the moon and the stars and the trees. You are the rain and the clouds and the wind and the ocean.You are the beauty of everything and the nothingness of all that is. You are beautiful. You are magnificence in a physical beautiful body. You are wise. You are light. You are light. You are YOU. You are the sum of everything you have ever been yet you are only this moment. You are YOU. YOU YOU YOU! You are loved, you are never alone, you are part of me as I am part of you. Be well and smile in this moment…and the next …and the next!

What is purpose you ask?

What is purpose you ask?

You have no purpose. Your only purpose is to be. Be who you are. Live your journey and be all that you are already are. There is nothing to do. There is no-where to be because you are already doing and being everything you are meant to be. YOU!When we talk about purpose you automatically go into a state of not knowing whom you are. You go into a state of maybe I “should” be doing something other than you already are doing. You go into a feeling of “oh no, I am off my path.” Well I am here to tell you there is not path. The “path” that you are on is the only path that is so how can it be wrong. This moment right now is all that there is.