About Lisa J. Smith


Lisa is a talk show host and radio personality.

In addition she is a lecturer, writer, teacher, motivational speaker, Reiki master and intuitive psychic medium. She is quickly becoming known as "The New Voice For A New Age" around the globe.

Lisa J. uses her accurate and healing psychic and mediumship abilities to help empower people to live like the "Rockstars" they were born to be. Her unique delivery, her positive attitude, her approachable girl next-door charm and her down to earth messages are quickly touching the lives of people all over the world.

Lisa believes that we are all intuitive, we are all psychic and there is nothing she can do that you cannot. This is not about believing in psychic abilities. Lisa is not about proving that spirit exists or that your loved ones are still with you even though she has given thousands of messages that prove they are. Lisa's passion is to teach others that being 'psychic is as natural as breathing' and can be used to enrich lives.

Lisa J. Smith works with her clients, listeners and audience members in a unique way so as to touch their soul and heal their hearts. Her unique and positive outlook on life is changing the way people around the world view themselves and others even through tough times.

Lisa J. Smith is available for lectures, college-speaking events, television and radio appearances and is currently working on writing her first book.

As she says, "Wherever you are, I am too".

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Roots and Branches

Ahhh…my dear child, you ask of Roots and I tell you of strength.

For the roots are the strength of who you are. They nourish the soul. They anchor you to the

Earth and they teach you to fly.

You ask of the wind and I tell you of freedom.

You ask me of branches and I teach you wisdom and knowledge. For a tree starts solid

because of its firm stable roots.

The trunk represents your core, your solid base.

And ahhh…. you ask of the branches. The branches teach the lessons. They grow and they

intersect without warning or notice. They take the brunt of the wind and cold of the rain. They

are the first to feel the heat on a hot summer day. They are the first to feel anything and

everything. The branches are the truth of who we are. Unlike the roots, which are so strong, the

branches are much weaker, or are they?

The roots stay covered up for no harm can reach them. The branches are strong and exposed

to all. They feel, they breathe, they move.

Ask a tree a question, and see how it responds.

It is through the leaves and the branches that a tree will take away your pain. It passes your

pain and fears thru to its core, into the roots, for there it is planted into mother earth.

It is there that she cradles and rocks the roots to sleep as in a sweet lullaby. She protects them

from harm with her beautiful soil as a mother covers her children at night. For she is the mother to

the trees.

The trees with all there glory are wisdom, knowledge, and power to us.

The trees tell a story if you look at their branches. They have lived for many lives and have much

to teach and tell.

What do they tell you? What do you hear?

Lisa J. Smith

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