
Release and Let Go is a guided meditation to help you release anything that is not serving you anymore. Whether relationships, old thought patterns, beliefs, jobs, what ever you do not want to carry anymore. Set your intent of what you would like to release and let the music and the mediation do the rest. "Release anything and everything that tells you, “You are anything less then divine, beautiful, and full of love".” $6.99

Meeting An Old Friend is a relaxing guided meditation that guides you down a soft and gentle path. With the sound of the beautiful background music and the soft guide of Lisa's voice, you are guided down a path to meet your beautiful being of light. Whether a spirit guide or loved one on the other side, you are sure to awaken with the knowing that you were just with an old friend. "It may seem like it has been awhile since you have seen each other, but in your heart you know that you have never been apart.” $6.99

Each meditation is copyrighted by Lisa J. Smith and may not to be duplicated without permission by Lisa J. Smith.
Each meditation was written and produced by Lisa J. Smith.
Music by Thaddeus. Back ground music only can be ordered from LuminEssence Productions at www.orindaben.com.
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