About Lisa J. Smith


Lisa is a talk show host and radio personality.

In addition she is a lecturer, writer, teacher, motivational speaker, Reiki master and intuitive psychic medium. She is quickly becoming known as "The New Voice For A New Age" around the globe.

Lisa J. uses her accurate and healing psychic and mediumship abilities to help empower people to live like the "Rockstars" they were born to be. Her unique delivery, her positive attitude, her approachable girl next-door charm and her down to earth messages are quickly touching the lives of people all over the world.

Lisa believes that we are all intuitive, we are all psychic and there is nothing she can do that you cannot. This is not about believing in psychic abilities. Lisa is not about proving that spirit exists or that your loved ones are still with you even though she has given thousands of messages that prove they are. Lisa's passion is to teach others that being 'psychic is as natural as breathing' and can be used to enrich lives.

Lisa J. Smith works with her clients, listeners and audience members in a unique way so as to touch their soul and heal their hearts. Her unique and positive outlook on life is changing the way people around the world view themselves and others even through tough times.

Lisa J. Smith is available for lectures, college-speaking events, television and radio appearances and is currently working on writing her first book.

As she says, "Wherever you are, I am too".

Monday, April 25, 2011

EGO...love it!!!


How do I work with my EGO? I have found over the past several days I have a very HEALTHY, HAPPY one. And I keep hearing "Arrogance"???? But I can't get anything more than that? Ugh, the psychic shrapnel is a pain in the arse.

My answer:
i love devils advocate...that is how we learn...that is why we have black and white, good and bad, up and down, right from left, and ying and yang, blue and red, etc... they are always there playing devils advocate right?

Ego: you can not resist what is because it is your teacher and a part of you…like it or not! use ego to apply the right leverage and it to advance you rather than limit you. Ego is perception....your ego’s only purpose is to kick your ASS and keep you in check.

Say, “thank you so much...i understand that you are here teaching me ___________now that i know this, i will work with it”.

A perfect example of ego…your ego telling you you are ‘arrogant’ for knowing what you know. your ego is telling you you are ‘arrogant’ because, “Who are you to be ______________” ???

That limited thinking is what your tapes are playing from a lifetime of being told, “who are you to be ____________________??? Don’t be _____________! Be like _______________. If you are like _____________ you are _______________”.

Acknowledge the obvious elephant in the room....ask listen and learn... say to yourself, “I am me to be me”....”I am ok to be ___________ and as a matter of fact I was born to be ______________. Thank you for reminding me because I was forgetting who I WAS”.

Now ego did its job by nudging you and kicking you in the butt to get YOU to the point of accepting who you are. It will continue to kiss your butt until you get it….don’t wonder why its not working…it is…are you learning?

ego is not the enemy...it plays its role…end of story! it is learning to check with yourself...working with yourself in all the moments to find the balance and discover things about yourself that have been hidden...it is there teaching you and getting you to learn to listen to WHO you are...not what the tapes what you to be.

that is egos job...

now say, “THANK YOU ego for making me the spiritual BAD ASS that i am...and reminding me of who i am and who i was born to be”!

1 comment:

  1. gosh, my ego keeps telling me that the world around me is losing it's mind. Where did all the good, nice, smart people go? Why is there so much stuff going on with everyone that their energy is so harsh. I need a peaceful place to rest my weary life. I just moved across country and will stay with my daughter and family until i find a safe place. I'm just lost and keep asking why?
