About Lisa J. Smith


Lisa is a talk show host and radio personality.

In addition she is a lecturer, writer, teacher, motivational speaker, Reiki master and intuitive psychic medium. She is quickly becoming known as "The New Voice For A New Age" around the globe.

Lisa J. uses her accurate and healing psychic and mediumship abilities to help empower people to live like the "Rockstars" they were born to be. Her unique delivery, her positive attitude, her approachable girl next-door charm and her down to earth messages are quickly touching the lives of people all over the world.

Lisa believes that we are all intuitive, we are all psychic and there is nothing she can do that you cannot. This is not about believing in psychic abilities. Lisa is not about proving that spirit exists or that your loved ones are still with you even though she has given thousands of messages that prove they are. Lisa's passion is to teach others that being 'psychic is as natural as breathing' and can be used to enrich lives.

Lisa J. Smith works with her clients, listeners and audience members in a unique way so as to touch their soul and heal their hearts. Her unique and positive outlook on life is changing the way people around the world view themselves and others even through tough times.

Lisa J. Smith is available for lectures, college-speaking events, television and radio appearances and is currently working on writing her first book.

As she says, "Wherever you are, I am too".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

transcript of an example of Q and A with spirit...welcome to my world!

my peeps:
HELLLOOOOOOO! stop looking for answers.....they are never ever ever ever ever ever going to be what you want....so stop asking, looking and seeking.

So what do you do instead?

my peeps:
that is tough....

Well you tell us to to seek answers for that which i,we, need to to know answers too....so what do you suggest we do??? what do you suggest i tell others when they ask what to do?

my peeps:
you tell them to be the answers that they seek

ok...but we need hands on, something more than that in which we can sink out teeth into and____________________

my peeps:
are you done now?


my peeps:
you ask....we share and we tell. you do not like what you hear. so you ask for different answers. there are no different answers. there is only being what you seek.

ok what about making money? everyone wants to know what to do? how to do it? ughhhh how do we be the money we need to make?

my peeps:
you can not be the money you know that!

well you said be the money

my peeps:
what is money?

it is a way in which we exchange "money" for those things in life we need to survive. how do we be that in which we need to survive?

my peeps:
you already are....


and there you have it....a glimpse of life with me and my peeps....and they smile and are so proud of themselves for another job well done....and me...accepting what is and still wanting more! i am human after all...that's the way it is supposed to be!duh.....and boy do they LOVE ME JUST THE WAY I AM! xoxoxox at least i know they always have my back...even if i don't hear what i want the way i want!

life is good...and we are always going to be ok!

1 comment:

  1. I liked this one...be the change...now if i could just figure out what that change is...or actually what i want that change to be. Peaceful...yet it's just on the other side of that veil yet...working backwards on this post now that i'm set with real internet I might get some new insight from you...thank you for being out here
