About Lisa J. Smith


Lisa is a talk show host and radio personality.

In addition she is a lecturer, writer, teacher, motivational speaker, Reiki master and intuitive psychic medium. She is quickly becoming known as "The New Voice For A New Age" around the globe.

Lisa J. uses her accurate and healing psychic and mediumship abilities to help empower people to live like the "Rockstars" they were born to be. Her unique delivery, her positive attitude, her approachable girl next-door charm and her down to earth messages are quickly touching the lives of people all over the world.

Lisa believes that we are all intuitive, we are all psychic and there is nothing she can do that you cannot. This is not about believing in psychic abilities. Lisa is not about proving that spirit exists or that your loved ones are still with you even though she has given thousands of messages that prove they are. Lisa's passion is to teach others that being 'psychic is as natural as breathing' and can be used to enrich lives.

Lisa J. Smith works with her clients, listeners and audience members in a unique way so as to touch their soul and heal their hearts. Her unique and positive outlook on life is changing the way people around the world view themselves and others even through tough times.

Lisa J. Smith is available for lectures, college-speaking events, television and radio appearances and is currently working on writing her first book.

As she says, "Wherever you are, I am too".

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Something to think about today! Not for the weary, for Spiritual BAD ASSES only

something to think about today:

if you are proud of the person you are....then stop to think about ALL the people who have helped you realize your worth....there have been so many people i want to thank for helping me along this journey...i think i will just thank them from my heart...no need to get up close and personal! lol ;)

another words... forgiveness is for yourself not others!


* get a large poster board and crayons, colored pencils or markers!
* use the poster board horizontal so you have more room

1. in one column, write the names of ALL the people in your life who have helped shape you into the person you are today. remember many of those people are the ones you argue with, fight with, disagree with, the ones who have taken your power, have left you weak, that have hurt you the most...and many are the ones are the ones that have lifted you UP!

2. in the next column write how each person has helped you become who you are in this moment....this may take a few lines up so be sure to leave room. I.E. how did they hurt you and how did you become better from that experience?

3. in the third column, write a sentence or two of gratitude and forgiveness to each person...write them a note thanking them for loving you enough, on some level, to have hurt you, disappointed you, etc...so that you could be the person you are today! you are strong, beautiful, free, brave, courageous, loving, kind, compassionate, soulful, spiritual, etc...you are these things because we have people in our lives "planted" to remind us of what we always have been. thank them and let them go...

4. in the fourth column...write a prayer, affirmation or loving statement to yourself. you are the one who got you to this point...

I.e. say, "thank you Lisa...thank you so much for always being with me...thank you so much for ALWAYS having my back....and no matter where we go or what happens we always have each other. i so love you".

5. use your markers, pencils and your crayons to decorate, color and design your beautiful board of love! set your creativity free...for within this creativity you will find your healing, your love and your self!

6. when you are done....some would say burn it to release it and let it go, some would say use it as a vision board, some would say tuck it away and keep it safe. it is your board maybe you have another idea! DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH YOUR BOARD....no one will tell you what you "should' and "should not" do!

trust YOUR gut! trust YOUR intuition!


The Full moon is upon us and as i write this i realized why i am being guided to post this today!

it is time to release and let go of what is no longer serving you and your needs. this is an exercise in letting go, releasing, and loving yourself! it is spring time...it is easter. it is passover. it is a time of re birth and renewal of YOU and of ME! i have chills all over as i write!


awww.....the beauty of all that is! how amazing it is!

remember this includes all the people who have taught you anything about YOU.

FYI, most of the greatest lessons do not come from those that do not come me with boxing gloves! ;)

remember: YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL BAD ASS....this is not for the weak!

much love to you today and everyday! i have my own work to do!


Lisa J.

1 comment:

  1. so much has happened in my life since the first time I ever talked to you on the radio program. It's been almost a year since I talked to you last time on the radio show. Your post echoes so much I'm reminded of as I do a life review. I'm going back to the place I left ten years ago now with excitement over starting new again and sadness of the reasons I left there in the first place. My world scares me now in ways it never did before. I'm not so sure of myself with so much of this life lived. Yet I listen to words like you just said and I try so hard to know I am where I am suppose to be.
